Providing the training that protects our workers lives…
Welcome to 10 Years of Health & Safety Expertise...
Noshtac appreciates the willingness of the few who daily face dangers, so others can benefit...
and it is to their cause that we are dedicated to providing such a high standard of training and consulting expertise to reduce the risks these courageous men and women face. Noshtac has gained the knowledge and experience over more then a decade. We have been exposed to a variety of global industries, including working with the major oil companies around the world. We have the privilege of serving large to small businesses in South Africa and thoroughly enjoy the trust and relationships forged over the years with these companies.
NOSHTAC Training and Consulting Northern Cape presents you with competency based training and development that covers a wide variety of Health and Safety, Earth Moving and Lifting Machinery as well as others.
We are dedicated to protecting the people of our great nation.
in Business

Is your business Health & Safety Compliant?

Our Services
Our desire is to see solid Health and Safety practices being demonstrated across every industry in South Africa. Nothing is more important than saving lives and preventing injuries. We therefore go to great lengths to ensure we offer the best available Health and Safety training, consulting and auditing possible. Our training is based on current and international best practices.
We provide accredited Health and Safety training in a variety of fields. Successful candidates receive certificates indicating credits as well as National Qualification Framework (NQF) levels.
We can help you with Legal Compliance by doing on-site Health and Safety audits. Final reports and recommendations are then presented to company management.
We are focused on producing sound Occupational Health and Safety practices and consult on all levels, including documentation, inspections, checklists, incident and accident investigations, audits, leading indicators, committee meetings, health and safety statistics and monthly reports.
Why Choose Us?
NOSHTAC Training and Consulting presents world-class competency based training and development and together with our experience we offer you a well rounded solution for all Health and Safety issues.
We hold accreditation with the Transport Education Training Authority (TETA), Construction Education and Training Authority (CETA), and Health and Welfare Education and Training Authority (HWSETA).
Training Alignment
NOSHTAC’s training is aligned with the world class national qualifications framework for social and economic development, the South African Qualifications Authority Body (SAQA).
Locational Flexibility
NOSHTAC has the capability to provide these training and development services in the comfort of your own premises or at a pre-arranged facility.
B-BBEE Certified
NOSHTAC firmly believes in enhancing fair and progressive employment practices and has thus certified as a B-BBEE Level 4 Contributor.